Electronic Signature Software Features

  • Electronic signature software (e-sign). 'Sign This Contract' is safe, legal and secure. Cloud-based. Easiest way to perform e-signatures! More...
  • Technology neutral. Our e-signature software is 100% web-browser-based! Compatible across all platforms (PC, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, Chromebook, etc.). No downloads of any kind (no Apps, no Flash, no Java and no ActiveX)! More...
  • All plans include all features: All of our plans and pricing include the FULL feature list shown here. No need to upgrade to an expensive ‘Enterprise’ edition to get the full list of features you need. You get it all! More...
  • Administrative dashboard: see the status of all your signing events and documents that are ‘out for e-signature’ at a glance. View status and error messages associated with signing events. Graphs, charts. More...
  • Re-Usable document templates. Re-use common forms or contracts and send out for e-signature in a matter of seconds. Create signer ‘roles’ which facilitates fast and efficient creating of signing events by merging data fields on your contract with a recipient. This allows you to bring up a re-usable template in our system and then just fill out the email address and name of the recipient. And you've created an 'e-signing event' in seconds! More...
  • Contract Expiration Dates. If desired, you can set an expiration date in which recipients must execute a contract or form before it expires. This can be helpful for limited-time offerings. More...
  • Document tracking. Independently track all signers of a document. Send reminders. Track where each person is in the signing process. More...
  • Mobile signature capture: a recipient can e-sign a document on any modern mobile platform. There are no downloads or Apps to mess with. Compatible with Apple iPhone and iPad, Android and Windows phone platforms. Easily draw your signature with the help of your mobile touchscreen. More...
  • Embedded Contracts/forms: Create an embedded contract/form and post it on your web site for your customers to sign up with you directly. You can even have your customers enter credit card numbers as the embedded contracts are safe and secure (SSL encrypted)! More...
  • Contract Expiration Date: If desired, you can set an expiration date in which your recipients must execute the contract/document before their time runs out. And you also have the flexibility as a contract owner/administrator to extend that expiration date if it is reached. More...
  • Signer-Based Differentiation: data fields and signature controls are separately identified by target recipient in the same document which gives you a clear picture of each person’s necessary role in executing the document. One recipient cannot edit another's data fields or signature fields More...
  • Common file format compatibility: you can upload a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF as your contract/form. No need to buy PDF converter software to convert from Doc to PDF before uploading. All documents ‘exit’ the secure signing process as a Secure Adobe PDF document. More...
  • Document Repository: All of your contracts and forms are stored in the cloud on our secure servers. As long as your plan is valid, you have an instant disaster recovery scenario where all of your documents are safe and sound. More...
  • Handwritten or typed (type-to-sign) signatures. Sign your name with any mouse, stylus, touch pad or touch screen device. Plus the ability for you to ‘adopt’ your personalized signature which will speed up contract/document execution. More...
  • Initials boxes: handwritten or typed initials boxes. Conveniently put at the bottom of contract pages to indicate agreement and acknowledgement of each page. More...
  • Advanced form controls. Our forms editor has an advanced set of controls including: checkboxes (and grouping ability), textboxes, date picker and timestamp. Plus the ability to completely customize the size, font and color of each control's text. Each control can be declared required or optional. Plus, fill in ‘default’ values for the form controls (like pre-populate a person’s name or company for them). There is no e-signature software that has all the built in capabilities that our contract editor does! More...
  • Add a Sticky Text Note: all form controls come with the ability to set a 'sticky note' next to the control where you can provide additional customized information or instructions. This is similar to the little green and yellow sticky tabs that people put on a paper contract that say ‘sign here’. But you have the ability to also customize the text on these sticky text notes. More...
  • Replace Document: the ability to replace a document in a template or signing event (not finalized or sent out for e-sign). If your legal department comes out with minor improvements to your sales contract, just bring up your sales template record and replace the document. All document forms and fields are still in-tact and you don't have to re-enter all information again. More...
  • Audit log: all contracts that go out for e-signature have a complete audit log that shows each and every event within your e-signing event. Whenever a recipient receives an email, views the contract, partially completes the contract and/or completes the contract you will know. And the audit events are also tracked by IP address and geo location. More...
  • Email bounce back detection: when sending out a notice to a recipient to e-sign a document, you will be immediately notified if the email does not get to them. Common mistakes are miss-entering their email address. Our system will immediately notify you if this happens. This saves time and effort! More...
  • Groups and Permissions: As a company administrator, you can define additional people in your organization that can perform various tasks. For example, you can create a sales group that has permissions to retrieve a re-usable contract template and send it out for e-signature, but they cannot edit the contract or content. This is very helpful for a large company organization that has a division of duties (legal department, contracts department, sales department, etc.). At many times in large organizations, the legal department is the only entity that can make content changes to sales contracts. You can tailor our software to work the way you work! More...
  • Create Teams: our system allows for the ability for one person to ‘belong’ to multiple companies or organizations each with associated permissions and access rights. For example, you might be a company administrator of your own company and have full rights while at the same time employed as a contract sales person for another company where you might have limited rights (like only ability to send out contracts). More...
  • Carbon Copy feature for management: carbon copy (cc) your sales manager so they can keep apprised of all contract activity in your organization. People on the cc list can receive full signing event notices (recipient receives, opens and completes a contract), or just a summary level of events that occur. More...
  • Full events notifications (cc management): All recipients and sender and cc-ed management can be customized as to how much or how little events they are notified related to a signing event. Event notifications include: signing event initiated, contract sent, contract received by recipient, contract viewed by recipient, contract executed by recipient, and more. You can choose the appropriate level of event notification for all parties involved. More...
  • Fast and friendly help and support. We'll upload your contract/form to your account and create a re-usable template for you if you need us to! Or let us know if a particular software mod would be helpful for your organization. And we’ll do it! More...